Wednesday, May 10, 2017

May 10, 2017

Today we reviewed the assignment and work expectations for the rest of the week. 

We also finished watching episode 3 of Kid Nation since French was cancelled. 
Write-ups for both episode 1 & 3 should be done by Friday. There is time in class and these can be completed in student's Language notebooks.

Social studies - We did a picture sort interpreting images and putting them in categories as federal, provincial and municipal government responsibilities. I shared a web site (see previous post) and gave out a handout as reference.
 Math - test was written. Tomorrow and Friday - unit problem to finish off the fractions unit. It is to be completed in class Thursday and Friday in math notebook. I have a gardening question for the grade 5s and a label ingredients question set for the sixes. 

Language Arts - Students are completing Book Study #1. This majority is to be completed during class time and at home, for homework if needed. Bring your book in every day. Use time during DEAR and Language to work on your written part.
Some students have not picked their book yet (fiction or non-fiction). 
Due: next Friday, May 19. 

Art - Name, date of birth art due Friday.

Grade 5 Science - We examined internal forces today with a reading and watched part of a video. Students put a reading and follow-up question page in their duotangs to be completed on Friday along with their word search or crossword.

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